Facial Proportions

Treatments for facial proportions at Belgravia Dermatology

  • About – A beautiful face is well balanced. When on component is out of proportion to another there is an imbalance. Sometimes this is obvious, but frequently the causative imbalance is subtle
  • Treatments – An aesthetic assessment with our expert Dermatologists leads the way to identifying where the areas of imbalance are and how to manage them, usually with skilful insertion of fillers under the skin. Bringing a face towards ideal proportions using injectable fillers beautifies the male and female face
  • Next step – Our Dermatologists are experts in aesthetic treatments and will provide advice and guidance on this

Acne scarring – our results

What are facial proportions?

Certain faces which are deemed to be beautiful, when analysed, show a reproducible balance between different facial structures. Bringing a face towards ideal proportions beautifies the face. This is never carried out in isolation but can help give an indication of the areas which may need adjustment.


While one half of the face never looks exactly the same as the other half, attention is readily drawn towards any areas of marked discrepancy

Rule of thirds

In some systems of beauty, the forehead should comprise one third of the height of the face, the mid face one third, and the lips and chin one third.


Certain facial features are most in balance when they are in the ratio of 1 to 1.618. So for example, the lower lip may be optimally sized when it is 1.618 times bigger than the upper lip for some individuals.

What is the relevance of facial proportions?

The systems of analysing facial proportions are mentioned as they can be used a guide when planning non-surgical aesthetic treatments. Our methods have shown that restoring or improving proportions to aesthetic ideals can bring about beautification of the face in a way that is more powerful than improvement of individual lines or wrinkles. Proportions are balanced with the use of fillers. Fillers are injectable implants and can help create enhancement and volume to anatomical structures to achieve these goals.


Treatments for restoring facial proportions at Belgravia Dermatology

  • Detailed consultation and skin analysis by a Dermatologist to design an
  • Individualised treatment plan, addressing facial proportions and symmetry
  • The use of injectable fillers as implants to achieve beautification

How effective are treatments for facial proportions?

Correction of facial proportions is usually carried out as part of a full facial aesthetic strategy. This approach is very effective at bringing about natural looking improvement and restoration in facial appearance.

What should I do next?

If you would like a detailed aesthetic facial assessment then please arrange to see one of our Dermatologists who will be happy to help.

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      +44 (0)7796017018

    (Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm)

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